1. april 2014

Visit at Pall Mall Rotary Club in London

One busy Monday in the early spring 2014, my son and I had the pleasure of visiting the youngest Rotary Club in London - and perhabs also in the UK - The Pall Mall Rotary Club. Named after one of the most fashionable Streets in London.

The meeting took place in a pub - ofcourse, London style - near the river Thames.
They had started having their meetings in Pall Mall, but it got too expensive, and have now moved to more modest surroundings in the Chesire Cheese Pub.

4 germans, 2 italians, 1 spaniard and 1 englishman attended the meeting - it was indeed an international club, founded by young people, who wanted to have a more relaxed Rotary club without too many rules, but still doing good for others.

The President opened the meeting with a welcome to us and an introduction round. Like in many other Rotary Clubs people in Finance are well represented.

Next topic was arranging an interview of an incoming member. They have previously had too many members, who were  inactive, and just wanted Rotary to look good in their CV's - so in order to prevent that, they will interview new members to find out, if they are serious.

Then status on an upcoming charity concert, with delegation of new tasks, and that was that... Short, but efficient. The rest of the meeting we shared views on how to run a club - keeping the balance between traditions and having a dynamic club.

I mentioned the 3 minutes' speech, which some of the members had tried in other clubs - I think they will try it in the future.

The meeting finished with the traditional exchange of flags - I forgot mine - sorry - I will send it soon :-)

Finally we had drinks outside the pub, enjoying the nice spring weather - whoever says it always rains in London is wrong.

Thank You for letting us attend the meeting - it was nice to see, that there are other young clubs, beside ours, that are running the club in a more relaxed way - we need the change and new blood in Rotary in order to survive and keep putting actions behind, service above Yourself!

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