9. marts 2013

Visit to The Rotary Club of Fisherman's Wharf

While on a study trip to San Francisco I had the pleasure of visiting The Rotary Club of Fisherman's Wharf who meets weekly on Thursday mornings. Besides myself rotarians from Ohio and San Diego paid a visit the same day.
Meetings take place at pier 43 1/2 at the San Francisco harbour in the Franciscan Restaurant which indeed is a nice place with a beatiful view to the bay and Alcatraz.

I was greeted warmly by the club members and enjoyed following the procedures and traditions of this club.

A rotarian from Ohio - Randy Overbeck presented his latest book on the everyday heroes - the school teachers who he believe we should all honour with respect. Book available on Amazon.

The atmosphere was very relaxed and the club accepted a new member, there were 6 visiting Interacters, another member told an interesting story about a recent holiday in Guatemala where she and her husband went to re-visit the Ecofiltro project which helps purifying water into drinking water. The home page is in Spanish language only and for those not familiar with that language the most important facts are here: 
  • Water purifier manufactured with a mixture of clay and sawdust which becomes porous ceramic which is then impregnated with colloidal silver
  • Gravity acts and their tiny pores trap solids including parasitic cysts, fecal coliforms and removes bacteria that cause diarrhea, cholera and other diseases related to unsafe water
  • Removes turbidity, odor and taste of water, providing 100% pure water, fresh and pleasant to humans.
  • Filters between 1 and 2 liters of water per hour.
  • Portable and lightweight, easy to clean and maintain
Before saying goodbye president Tresa and I had this nice picture taken:
Carsten Helmuth with president Tresa Eyres

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